Payment & Tuition
Monthly tuition is based on entire session cost (accounting for holidays and closings) divided into equal monthly payments (NOT based on the number of weeks/classes per month). Invoices will not be sent- statements for delinquent accounts only will be sent. A Welcome Newsletter will be emailed to you after registration has been received. Tuition is […]
CMD follows the same closings as the county in which your child’s class is located for Thanksgiving, Winter Break, and Spring Break ONLY. We do not cancel for Teacher Workdays, except in cases where they fall at the end of the above holidays. There is no reduction in tuition for months with holidays or breaks. […]
Inclement Weather
CMD follows the same cancellations for inclement weather as the county which your child’s school is located. One class cancelled without a makeup is factored in to your tuition. For a second cancellation, classes will be made up within 30 days of the cancellation. Due to space/time limitations at some locations, we may add time […]
Teacher Workdays
County schools have several teacher workdays scheduled which CMD does not observe. CMD will hold classes as scheduled on these days. As detailed in your Registration Brochure, CMD follows the same holiday closings as the county in which your child’s school is located for Thanksgiving, Winter Break, and Spring Break only. We do not observe […]
In May, parents are invited to the recital held at your child’s school. There is no recital fee or costume fee. The recital lasts about 30 minutes, and every child participates. Costumes are provided by CMD, and must be returned immediately after the performance. CMD will arrange for a photographer at most locations, who will […]
There are no deductions or credits when classes are missed. Several schools offer more than one dance class. Students may attend these as a make-up class. Call (678) 482-2264 for more details.
Potty Trained
While we often make exceptions for age, being potty trained to attend class is required for all classes except Mother Goose (toddlers). Our instructors will not be permitted to change diapers or pull-ups, and cannot interrupt class for bathroom breaks.
Dress Code
See specific class listing under Programs Offered.
Parent Observers
We cordially invite and encourage parents to observe class at any time, and thank all that have visited our classes. However, to minimize distractions, we request occasional, rather than weekly visits. Because each location’s policies may vary, you must check with the school or church to ensure they will allow you.